KShs 5,600.00


KShs 5,600.00
KShs 5,600.00


KShs 5,600.00

Golden Love Bouquet

KShs 9,600.00

Discover the “Golden Love Bouquet,” an opulent arrangement of 99 red and white roses, perfect for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, and special occasions. Order now from Flower Delivery Nairobi to make your celebration unforgettable.The "Golden Love Bouquet" features 99 red and white roses, symbolizing unity and enduring love, perfect for special occasions.

(In Stock)

Let the “Golden Love Bouquet” convey your deepest emotions when words fall short. This magnificent arrangement comprises 99 premium long-stemmed roses, harmoniously blending passionate red and pristine white blooms. The red roses represent deep affection, while the white roses signify purity and new beginnings. Together, they create a stunning visual narrative of love and commitment.

Each rose is carefully selected for its freshness and beauty. Our skilled florists hand-tie the stems, ensuring a balanced and elegant presentation. The bouquet is then wrapped in luxurious gold-accented paper, adding a touch of opulence to this magnificent arrangement.

Whether it’s a birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, or any momentous event, the “Golden Love Bouquet” serves as a timeless expression of love. Its grandeur and elegance make it a memorable gift that speaks volumes.

KShs 5,600.00


KShs 5,600.00